Engagement will be high when an event is enjoyable and relevant. Symptoms of low engagement include people wandering off using their mobile devices (to find something more relevant) and a general sense of; 'why are we doing this?' We offer a bespoke service, so we can build current themes into events which result in a highly relevant experience without losing enjoyment.
Contact us for further information, or read on to find out more.
The issue of employee engagement is high on the business agenda. This is interesting, because there has never been a time when it was not a good thing for the people involved in a task to be engaged. So, why the sudden trend?
Business has changed. More specifically people have changed. It is now understood that companies need to attract top talent to work for them. Where once the 'job for life' model was common this is now rare. Top talent is now much more like a hired gun, moving from one employer to another attracted by much more than just pay.
Surveys consistently report that, once a person feels well rewarded for the work they are doing, pay is less of a motivating factor. A survey conducted by Career Builder, an online jobs board, found that 68% of job seekers would accept a lower salary than offered by a competitor if the company in question made a positive impact on them during the hiring process.
This assessment is more than just what happens when a prospective employee visits. In a recent survey of nearly 5,000 job seekers it was found that almost half researched prospective employers on such platforms as LinkedIn, Glassdoor and Twitter when considering working for them. This figure will only increase in the future, meaning that it is now essential that employers make a good impression if they want the best candidates to apply.
If you consider this change of attitude and also that the economy is in recovery and that there is a widely reported 'war for talent' in major employment areas, it is clear that business must, more than ever, provide engaging work spaces and experiences.
There are many issues which affect engagement. Two of them are relationships with co-workers and the environment in which the work is done. Environment is partly the physical space and partly the emotional experience.
This is where fun events can have an impact. We can help with this important part of the overall work experience by providing regular enjoyable events that have a positive impact on employee engagement.
Read our longer Employee Engagement article which includes statistics and case studies.
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