A Detective Calls is a one actor Murder Mystery show which is ideal as an icebreaker or a mid conference team building activity. It can also be used as entertainment over dinner for smaller groups.
The detective comes with photographs of five suspects in a case and various clues including bank statements, letters and news clippings. The case is described in stages and your group, divided into teams, attempts to put all of the clues together and solve the case.
This event is fun and very engaging. It is ideal for groups with lower budgets. We have a case set in the 1920s, which gives an extra layer of challenge as the financials are in old money, and a contemporary case. We can also create bespoke cases to suit your conference theme or bring in aspects from your company and industry.
Organise Events
Twin Oaks Lodge, Mount Pleasant Lane, Lymington, Hampshire, SO41 8LS | Registered Company Number: 9066720
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